US Bus
Nationwide bus transit route and station database

Bus Stations by State
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Canadian Bus Stations
British Columbia
new brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Search through our thousands of bus routes and bus stops with our national directory or our bus transit search engine.
Find route, schedule and timetable for you local bus, or coach line, nationwide. This free website will help you conduct searches through hundreds of thousands of US bus stops, If you're looking for a Greyhound station in your county, a specific bus line number in your area or tickets for a national coach line to get you across the country: This site is made for you. We list absolutely everything you may want to know about bus stops, coach lines and more.
Bus Station Blog Articles
Safety around School bus
With school buses back on the road, as a parent you might be worried about safety in school bus and around school. According to the digital journal, School bus accidents may only represent a small number of total accidents. [...] (Read Article)
Bus and Public Transit News (Updated Thu, 13 Mar 2025)
Departments of Transportation by State
Alabama Department of Transportation
Alaska Department of Transportation
Arizona Department of Transportation
Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD)
California Department of Transportation
California Mass Transportation Program
Colorado Department of Transportation
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Delaware Department of Transportation
DC Department of Tranpsortation
Florida Department of Transportation
Georgia Department of Transportation
Hawaii Department of Transportation
Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization
Idaho Transportation Department
Illinois Department of Transportation
Indiana Department of Transportation
Iowa Department of Transportation
Kansas Department of Transportation
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development
Maine Department of Transportation
Maryland Department of Transportation
Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and Construction
Michigan Department of Transportation
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Mississippi Department of Transportation
Missouri Department of Transportation
Montana Department of Transportation
Nebraska Nebraska Department of Roads
Nevada Department of Transportation
New Hampshire Department of Transportation
New Jersey Department of Transportation
New Mexico Highway and Transportation Department
New York State Department of Transportation
New York Metropolitan Transportation Council
North Carolina Department of Transportation
North Dakota Department of Transportation
Ohio Department of Transportation
Oklahoma Department of Transportation
Oregon Department of Transportation
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Penn State Center For Intelligent Transportation Systems
Rhode Island Department of Transportation
South Carolina Department of Transportation
South Dakota Department of Transportation
Tennessee Department of Transportation
Texas Department of Transportation
Texas Transportation Institute
Utah Department of Transportation
Vermont Agency of Transportation
Virginia Department of Transportation
Washington Department of Transportation
West Virginia Department of Transportation
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Wyoming Department of Transportation
American Bus Association
American Bus Association
American Bus Tickets
makes it easy to travel by bus in the United States. Book tickets here
American Coach Association
for owners of American Coach RVs
APTREX - American Public Transit Exams Institute
providing professional managerial certifications for the transportation industry X
American Public Transit Association - APTA
APTA Heritage Trolley and Streetcar Site
website for the American Public Transit Association's Heritage Trolley Taskforce AT
AmericanTours International
offer a range of escorted motorcoach tours, self-drive packages, city breaks and hotel reservations
The American Transit Services Council
American Truck Historical Society
, Birmingham Alabama - has many links for historic truck enthusiasts
ATC buses. (Avalos Transportation Company inc.)
F & J Model Buses is a home based business in Thurmont, MD. We provide the highest quality model at a most affordable cost.
bus and rail photographs featuring Canadian and US transit agencies, compiled by Ken Baker and Martin Parsons
....there she was, an absolutely irresistible vision of loveliness in a stunning shade of eggplant......
Blue Birds for sale, information, spares, bulletin board
Bristol Commercial Vehicles Enthusiasts
VRs in the U.S.A
The Britbus Tour
unsigned UK bands touring the USA in a bus!
British American Diecasts and Models
The British Bus Club
a club dedicated to those that love British-made buses
British Buses Abroad in North America
Fotopic website - photographs from the Yahoo group collected by Paul Bateson
United States Bureau of Transportation Statistics - BTS
The Bus Bank
Leading National Group and Event Charter Bus Experts - Great Rates, Large Inventory, Call Now For a Free Quote
US-based service to buy and sell MCI, Prevost, Neoplan, Van Hool, Blue Bird, Eagle, Setra, Dina, shuttle, motor coach or bus conversion
Bus Conversions Magazine
Bus Drivers' Club
by Ray Miller - pictures, chat room, message board
shipping worldwide: courtesy name badges, tie tacks, tie clasps, belt buckles and more. (H-3, Renaissance and 945 Van Hool emblems available T2145 coming soon); income tax preparation (many of us on the road have trouble finding a Tax Preparer who understands both the overnight meal expenses we have and the Income Tax Law); long distance phone service at 7.9 cents per minute (lower rates for higher volume), residential and commercial, and an 800 number at the same rate - - Thomas R Miller, Rising Sun, Maryland
Busdude's page O' buses
astonishing number of photographs of US and Canadian buses mostly Pacific North West E
Bus Master Software
student transportation management SX (US based)
Bus Museum
Bus Transportation Museum, in Hershey, PA
Bus Nut Online
Anything and Everything about your Bus Conversion
the premier site for pre owned bus equipment
charter bus directory and guide for the USA and Canada, listing charter companies that own the buses they charter
Bus Rapid Transit Central
regularly-updated resource for information on bus rapid transit systems, provided by James McAteeer, transport planner in Nashville, Tennessee
The Bus Industry Web Site - Friendship Publications N
Yahoo group supersedes the VINmen group, which is retained as an archive
Bustuff! - MKF, Inc.
marketing products and services to the transit coach and rail industries D
Bus Zippos
a gallery of the Zippo lighters used to advertise US bus services in the Twentieth Century
The Cable Car Homepage
by Joe Thompson - US-based but with information on cable cars around the world ET
removing cars from people
Showcasing Mass Transit - The Cleanairbus Transit Page
by Carlton Walton: transit buses in the USA
Coach Conversion Central
Coach USA
US-wide tours, chartes and scheduled services
The Checker Aerobus site
by Ed Cahoon - VERY big taxis!
The Checker Car Club of America
classic taxis! E
Chevy Automotive Archeologist
-'We dig old cars and parts' says Frank Botte in Baldwin New York, USA - not a bus site but wonderful anyway!
Classic Bus Depot
by Bernie Lopez
the Union of Concerned Scientists is campaigning for cleaner fuels in school buses A
Yahoo group - a meeting place for all those involved in the bus transportation thks industry Canadian based
CoachUSA Yahoo group
for Coach USA fans
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
, Bethesda, Maryland, but covering the whole of North America
The Community Transport Association of America
Yahoo club for fans of Crown buses and fire apparatus
engine manufacturers
Desert Resorts Transportation
Diecast Alley
US online model shop
The Divco Club
promoting the preservation, restoration, operation and history of Divco Trucks, Milk Trucks, and other Multi-Stop Delivery Vehicles
Durham School Services
, Austin, Texas - major US school transportation contractor
Eagle Bus Nuts
newsgroup - a Web-based Yahoo group
Easy Bus transportation management software for the US school transportation industry for Motorcoach Drivers
bulletin board: a place to share information and ask questions of other motorcoach drivers; moderated by Bob Bergey
ETS Photo Express
huge gallery of transit photographs from Canada and the USA
Everything About RVing
Alan Wiener's comprehensive US-based site does what it says on the tin!
EyreBus, Washington and Baltimore
F & J model Buses
F & J Model Buses is a home based business in Thurmont, MD. We provide the highest quality model at a most affordable cost.
Family Motor Coach Association
Family Motor Coach Association
Federal Transit Authority
Fotopic website - Marco Gerosa's photographs of buses and cable cars in the USA and public transport in Corsica
First Transit
, Cincinnati, Ohio - providers of custom shuttlebus services
Fixed Route Public Transit Drivers
Yahoo group primarily for all fixed route transit drivers whether active, in between jobs, on sick leave, or retired. Have stories, pictures, incidents to relate, questions, jokes, company or agency information to exchange? It's all welcome here EU
First Group America
including First Transit and First Student
First Student (First Group America) Used Bus Sales
pre-owned school buses
First Student Charterbus Rentals
school charter services in thirty markets across the USA and Canada OS
First Vehicle Services
Integrated Fleet Management Solutions (USA)
The Flxible Assembly Line
history and pictures of the Flxible Corporation
Flxible Owners
newsgroup - a Web-based Yahoo group
Flxible Owners International
an organisation dedicated to the preservation and restoration of the motor buses built by the Flxible Corporation of Loudonville, Ohio, USA
Frank and Jeremy's Model Buses
a father and son collecting model buses
news advice and articles for people who use their RVs fulltime - or plan to!
The General Motors Futurliner
Joel Dimberger's tribute to this astonishing looking vehicle
The Gillig Transit Coach and Pacific School Coach Resource
by Steven Rosenow
Get America Tours
tours to the most beautiful places in America
GMC Bus Nuts
URE Yahoo group
Yahoo Group for fans of the Fishbowl transit bus
The GM Futurliner Restoration Project
check out these rare and fantastic-looking machines
Gonzo's Yellowcab
a Dutch tribute to the American Checker cab
Google Transit
trip planning aid from Google
Go RVing
picturesque guide to buying and running a recreation vehicle - the website of the Go RVing Coalition
the only centralised portal for booking US long distance bus tickets, also tours, vacations and hotels
Greyhound Bus Origin Museum
, Hibbing, Minnesota, USA
UK based Roy Hall's restoration of a Greyhound Scenicruiser
The Greyhound Internet Station
Yahoo group
Greyhound Silversides Page
(Quark's page) a tribute to the Greyhound Americruiser Silversides coach
greyhoundthroughexpress Yahoo club
photos and stories of travel by Greyhound
Ground Hop
The Ground Travel Authority - providing the USA with information on all modes of transportation
Happy Camper RV Club
half price discount club for RVers in the USA
Fred G Howard
collector and trader of Greyhound bus memorabilia
I Drive Safely
US defensive driving and traffic school courses online
Innovative Transportation Technologies
Futuristic transport
The Intelligent Transportation Society of America
IC Corporation
International school bus builder
J'n'C Travel and Tours
USA-wide providers of charter buses, minibuses, vans, and limousines
Johnson Farebox (The Story of the)
by Michael J Sheridan, with technical support and setup by Norman Spaulding
JR Consumer Resources - RV Ratings Guide
reviews motorhomes on the US market
Kavanagh Transit Photos
over 1000 transit and railroad photos from around the world
Lytton's Transit Site
Canada and USA
superb models by a Bonanza Bus driver - site by Tor Hansen M
MCI Bus Nuts
URE Yahoo group
Yahoo group
low cost scheduled bus travel in the USA, from CoachUSA
Metropolitan Shuttle
Bus charter service offering charters of buses, minibuses and vans in over 60 US cities nationwide
Midbus Home Page
makers of small and mid sized school and commercial buses
Metro Magazine's Transit Centre
Model Bus Lines
Yahoo group for American bus modellers
Motor Bus Society
A includes many links
promoting better treatment of coach drivers and their passengers at food and rest stops
The Motorcoach Mall
featuring latest news on the US motorcoach industry
My Transit Page
Carlton Walton's MSN site - US and Canadian transit buses
NABI - North American Bus Industries
National Alliance of Public Transportation Advocates
National Limousine Association
National Reservation Center
for chartering motorcoaches in the USA
New RVer
guide for newcomers to the RV lifestyle
NextBus Information Systems
real time transit arrival information
North American Bus Explorer
by Charles Sarjeant
North American Transit
network of superb enthusiast sites covering Toronto, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco E
Oren's Transit Page
galleries of photographs from a range of US and world transit systems
Our Bus Conversion Page
a 1968 Superior Coach school bus converted by Abbe and Steve Gore
The Overhead Wire
an urban transit planner's blog
PCC-cars USA
Dutch enthusiasts' club for the American PCC cars
Prevost Car
, USA and Canada BR
the Prevost coach conversion website
Prevost Parts
offering coach and transit spares across North America
Bus drawings and photographs
by Peter McLaughlin - buses in the USA and Canada
Public Transport Worldwide: USA
Wouter van der Brugghen's Fotopic website
designed to better inform Americans about the importance of public tranportation X
, Wrentham, Massachusetts - the source for back issue bus, trolley and railroad magazines, plus used railroad and transport books
Mark Harland Johnson's superb paintings unite the splendour of the American landscape and its railroads on canvas
In Remembrance of Bob Redden
a blog site set up to commemorate the life of the late transport photographer and publisher Bob Redden. 'For those who did not know Bob, bear in mind that most within the bus industry did and many considered him the industry's "official" photographer'
Rollsign Gallery
showing the history of North American transit through rollsigns - a website by Joseph Chemerys
Routemaster Maintenance and other Bus Stuff
Find the London Transport Routemaster Maintenance Manual, Wiring Diagrams and other Workshop Help
resources and book store for intending RVers
RV Club
information for RVers
RV Coach Online
R bus conversions
RV Netlinx
massive resource for RV links on the Web
RV appraisals, prices, values, RV value reports; free RV information
online RV buying and selling
news, information and travel advice for RVers
online RV guide
Safer Web
The Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) System provided by the US Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) offers company safety data and related services
Scenicruiser Home Page
one of the all-time classic motorcoaches E
The Scenicruiser Official Bus Registry
records the history of these fabulous vehicles built by GM for Greyhound E
School Bus Central
school bus photos, links, information ES
School Bus Driver (Student Transportation Safety Specialists)
The School Bus Drivers Webring
The School Bus Explainer
school bus links
School Bus Explorer
School Bus Fleet Magazine
School Bus Information Council
School Transportation News
Schumin Web Transit Center
galleries looking at transit systems in Virginia, New York, Washington DC and Pittsburgh
Sell a Bus
, USA - online bus and coach (and spares) sales
The Silversides Page
for fans of these much loved US motorcoaches
Yahoo group - gathering place for the former (mostly older) Greyhound drivers, dispatchers, managers, station workers and others!
traveller information for a number of cities
South West Transit Association
USA regional transit association representing Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas
Spartan Chassis
Squarewheel's Book Shop
bus books
Student Transportation of America
a leading provider of student transportatio services across the USA
Super 7 Challenger
Yahoo group - a celebration of Greyhound's MCI MC7 SuperScenicruiser Challenger EU
, Phoenix, Arizona - door to door airport transportation in 18 cities
Taxicabs USA
taxicabs and premium transportation service companies in states across the USA (part of Coach USA)
tdh5301's Community Page
pictures of Canadian and US transportation
MSN Group by T R Miller
US charter bus referral service
Trailways Bus Services
USA-wide organisation of transportation providers under the Trailways banner O
Transit Access
, Valley Glen, California - consulting firm specializing in issues related to the Americans with Disabilities Act in public transit
(Yahoo group)
Transit Gallery
state by state gallery of US transit photographs
Transit Rider
James M's website documents transit systems across the USA and Canada, largely in photographs
The Transit Standards Consortium - The Transit Industry's Portal to the World of Standards
Transportation Automation Standards Association
Welcome to Trolleyville!
streetcar and interurban modelling
United Motorcoach Association
free directory of US ground transportation providers. Request quotations from several ground transportation providers including shuttle, taxi and limo service for transportation to and from the airport
Bus Department of the United Transportation Union
USA Bus Charter
Nationwide charter bus rental service in 350 cities throughout the USA. Charter buses, mini buses, limousine buses and more
USA by Bus
invaluable guide by Paul Gerards to travelling by bus in the USA
Bus Charter by US Coachways
- Charter Bus Rentals for Corporate Outings, Long Distance, Day Trips and Limo Buses for Weddings and Parties.

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